Coming Soon!
This section will soon contain detailed concepts and ideas to put Ask Me WhoOo into action!
We have heard great testimonials about the project at work in so many areas and we'd like to share those ideas with you:
- Sunday School Catechism for 3rd 4th and 5th grade
- Home School Catechism Teaching
- Preschool Daily Devotions and Spring Program Music
- VBS Week-long Catechism Curriculum
- At Home Background Music During Creative Time
- In the Car or Van - Most Requested Music
- Kids Bible Club
We would like to hear from you!
Please take a moment to submit your testimonial,
idea, or concept of Ask Me WhoOo at work
in your life, your families, church or school.
We have recieved so many responses,
we are now looking at common themes
and will present our findings here.